Christian sociability is altogether too little cultivated by God’s people. Social Advantages Are gifts and Talents. Those who possess large affections are under obligation to God to bestow them, not merely on their friends, but on all who need their help. Our children should be taught that they are not independent atoms but that each one is a thread which is to unite with other threads in composing a fabric. In no department can this instruction be more effectually given than in the home and be transferred to the school and from our schools to society. Here in the home your children are daily surrounded by opportunities which, if improved, will greatly aid in developing the social traits of their characters. It lies in the parents’ own power so to improve their children’s time and opportunities as to develop a character that will make them happy and useful.
Those who shut themselves up within themselves, who are unwilling to be drawn upon to bless others by friendly associations, lose many blessings; for by mutual contact, minds receive polish and refinement; by social intercourse, acquaintances are formed and friendships contracted which result in a unity of heart and an atmosphere of love which is pleasing in the sight of heaven.
It is through the social relations that Christianity comes in contact with the world. Every man or woman who has tasted of the love of Christ and has received into the heart the divine illumination is required of God to shed light on the dark pathway of those who are unacquainted with the better way, Social power, sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, must be improved to win souls to the Saviour.
So you see now parents that it starts in the mother’s womb and carried from the womb to the home and transferred to the school and into society.
Let’s go to 2 Timothy chapter 3: 1-5 we can see the forfulfillment of these verses in our society today. For if this precious gift of Social Relationships
would have been cultivated in more mothers, what a different state of things would exist in our churches and in society.
May God continue to Bless our Families and Nations, as we learn to cultivate this precious gift.