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Thoughts for Mothers

mother holding an infant

The work of the mother is sacred and important. She should teach her children, from the cradle up, habits of self-denial and self-control. Her time, in a special sense, belongs to her children. But if it is mostly occupied with the follies of this degenerate age, if society, dress, and amusements absorb her attention, her children will fail to be suitably educated.

Let mothers improve every opportunity to educate their children for usefulness. Mothers who deplore the Moral Degeneracy that exists everywhere in our Society do not look deep enough to see the cause.

Too often, it may be traced to the home table.

Many a mother, even among those who profess to be Christians, is daily setting before her household rich and highly seasoned food, which tempts the appetite and encourages overeating.

Then when suffering and disease follow, Providence is charged with that which is the result of a wrong course. I repeat: intemperance begins at the table, and, with the majority, appetite is indulged until indulgence becomes second nature.

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