Satan has artfully woven his dogmas, his false religion, his false theories, and social mores into the instruction given in worldly universities and colleges. From the podiums of these ”trees of knowledge,” satanic agencies, worldly manuals, and New Age coursework speak the most seductive flattery and bogus science. After graduating from these ”Halls of Hades,” the student is awarded a Babylonian degree that the State declares equips them to perpetuate the education of their progenitors with education that the teacher of lies began centuries ago.
Modern education that concentrates the minds of the young upon hedonistic amenities such as competitive sports, scholastic mind games, honor rolls and sororities and fraternities leads the student to depart further and further from ”The True Source of Wisdom” and closer and closer to the concepts of perdition. When the word and principles of GOD are laid aside for worldly books, games, honors, and sports—confusion of understanding pertaining to the Kingdom of Heaven will become evident. Those who seek this education that the world esteems so highly will become ”educated worldlings.” They have chosen to accept what the world calls knowledge, sometimes placing this in and above of what God has revealed to us through His Word and His Son.