our mission
Holistic Health Promotion Campaign for Emotional Well-being in Schools and Communities
Our program, a Prevention/Intervention Emotional Health Analysis Services Program, is dedicated to serving school-age children from Kindergarten through 12th grade, families, and community organizations. The primary goal is to assist individuals in identifying and assessing their health risks while monitoring progress towards primary and secondary prevention education. Our mission aligns with the universal goals of public health, aiming to “increase the quality and years of healthy life.”
Recognizing that the mind plays a pivotal role in shaping our actions, whether positive or negative, we emphasize the importance of understanding how the Mind and Body function as a cohesive unit. Many individuals go through life without gaining insights into this fundamental connection. It is essential to comprehend that the physical organs act as servants to the mind, with nerves serving as messengers that transmit its orders to every part of the body, orchestrating the movements of the living machinery.
We firmly believe in the adage that "habits determine destiny,"
especially during childhood and youth when character development is most
impressionable. Our staff acknowledges the significance of holding appetites
and passions in check, submitting them to the higher powers of the mind. This
self-discipline is crucial for cultivating mental strength and spiritual insight,
enabling individuals to understand and practice the sacred truths outlined in
God's Word. Temperance, therefore, plays a vital role in preparing for Christ's
second coming.
In summary, our holistic health promotion campaign aims to foster
emotional well-being in schools and communities. By understanding the
intricate connection between the mind and body, instilling self-discipline, and
promoting temperance, we aspire to contribute to the overarching public
health goal of enhancing the quality and quantity of healthy years in
individuals' lives.